Blues The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. Fri, 31 May 2024 16:45:35 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Mississippi Shakedown - The Blues Lives Here (2008) Mississippi Shakedown - The Blues Lives Here (2008)

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01. The Blues Lives Here
02. Rock and Roll Part 1
03. She's What the Blues Looks Like
04. There Aint No Need to Worry
05. Amazing Grace
06. I Wish Every Night was Saturday Night	play
07. My Baby's Like an Automobile
08. Time To Kill
09. I'm Tough
10. Little Miss Dynamite
11. I Haven't Got A Hold of the Bottle
12. I've Even Lost The Blues			play
13. If You Leave Here Tomorrow

Jeff Cripps (Guitar)
Derek Smith (Drums)
John Gannon (Bass)


Hi Yu'all... for those who have seen our last few gigs, you'll notice that the stage is a little more crowded than usual. Yep, it is! We're now a "4 Piece Misipi."

Over the last few CD's, we've been adding more and more mandolin, harmonica, 2nd guitar, piano, and harmonies, so we thought that we should add another member to try and reproduce that sound live. So I called up a mate of mine, Mr Wayne Leffler, who I've known and recorded a few time when he was in Cold Comfort, I even recorded his son Joel. Wayne comes on board with his mandolin, harp, guitar and his growlin' "oh so wonderful" voice, making our sound just so much more layered on stage, we're very happy (he should have joined us 5 years ago!!). We'll be playing more next year,we promise you,with Wayne on board,we now have 2 folk fetching for work.. looking forward to that, exploring more of our songs as a 4 Piece.

We're going in The Memphis Blues Challenge again this year. Wish us the best. Better still, be there for support on our quest to go to Memphis February next year. Jeff is going to Memphis + Nashville Feb next year anyway to try and drum up some Misipi interest with US Record labels and try and get a few of his songs covered by other artists and maybe write a few new ones in Nashville! ---

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]]> (bluesever) Mississippi Shakedown Thu, 19 May 2011 13:03:16 +0000
Mississippi Shakedown - I Don't Know What I'd Do Without You But I Sure Would Like To Find Out (2010) Mississippi Shakedown - I Don't Know What I'd Do Without You But I Sure Would Like To Find Out (2010)

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01. We've all got our cross to bear 		play
02. I don't know what I'd do without you, but I sure would like to find out 
03. One door shuts, another door slams 
04. Bad news travels fast (good news travels slow) 
05. I wish you the best 
06. Even my enemies love me 
07. Gotta get lucky sometime 			play
08. Ring of fire 
09. How can I be thirsty when I had so much to drink last night 
10. I'm God's gift to women (just ask me I'll tell you) 
11. Use it or lose it 
12. So long

Jeff Cripps - slide guitar and vocals
John Gannon – bass
Derek Smith – drums


Mississippi Shakedown was created for 3 reasons:

1. our insatiable love of the music of Elmore James

2. the love of the sound of a distorted Slide Guitar

3. Bruce Iglauer from Alligator Records (US), the world's leading blues label, liked some songs that Jeff Cripps (our guitarist) had written for other bands... so then it was 2 phone calls... hey let's start a band! We did and we have.

When we started our strategy was to play Anywhere for Anything, just to develop our sound... it worked and we've got it! More style than the (unsunk) Titanic!

Mississippi Shakedown is a band with a minimum of FUSS with a maximum of EFFECT. A 3 piece unit led by blues rock charged SLIDE GUITAR... with a "Don't Bore Us, Get To The Chorus" attitude. With influence from the deep south, these guys have heart. This band was not created to play in a restaurant. Just take a listen to their current CD, Mississippi Shakedown, all original songs, with an original attitude. The band takes no prisoners on their journey to Shakedown an audience. Once seen, never forgotten, once heard ALWAYS loved!!!

With every GRAND performance, it has been proven without a shadow of a doubt, Mississippi Shakedown never fails to please an audience, whether it be an audience of blues afficienados or Smokey Pub Joe Public - Mississippi Shakedown always hits the mark. ---

download:   uploaded yandex anonfiles mega 4shared mixturecloud mediafire ziddu


]]> (bluesever) Mississippi Shakedown Mon, 16 May 2011 19:09:07 +0000