Blues The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. Sat, 01 Jun 2024 13:33:44 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Buddy Guy – The Blues is Alive and Well (2018) Buddy Guy – The Blues is Alive and Well (2018)

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1 	A Few Good Years 	4:47
2 	Guilty As Charged 	3:20
3 	Cognac	5:22
4 	The Blues Is Alive And Well 	5:13
5 	Bad Day 	3:48
6 	Blue No More	3:39
7 	Whiskey For Sale 	4:02
8 	You Did The Crime	6:53
9 	Old Fashioned 	3:57
10 	When My Day Comes 	4:38
11 	Nine Below Zero 	6:19
12 	Ooh Daddy 	3:17
13 	Somebody Up There 	4:27
14 	End Of The Line 	3:25
15 	Milking Muther For Ya 	0:57

Backing Vocals – Ann McCrary, Rachel Hambridge, Regina McCrary, Tom Hambridge 
Baritone Saxophone – Jim Hoke 
Bass – Tommy MacDonald, Willie Weeks 
Clavinet – Kevin McKendree
Drums – Tom Hambridge
Drums [Drum Loop] – Tom Hambridge
Guitar – Jeff Beck, Keith Richards
Guitar [BG Blonde Stratocaster] – Buddy Guy
Guitar [Eric Johnson Signature Strat] – Buddy Guy 
Guitar [Gibson ES-335] – Buddy Guy 
Guitar [Guild Starfire 4S] – Buddy Guy 
Guitar [Martin BG Acoustic Guitar] – Buddy Guy 
Guitar, Vocals – James Bay 
Harmonica – Mick Jagger 
Horns [Horn Section] – Muscle Shoals Horns
Mellotron – Kevin McKendree
Organ [B3] – Kevin McKendree 
Organ [Wurlitzer] – Kevin McKendree 
Percussion – Tom Hambridge 
Rhythm Guitar – Rob McNelley 
Slide Guitar – Rob McNelley 
Tenor Saxophone – Doug Moffet
Trombone, Arranged By [Horn Arrangements] – Charles Rose
Trumpet – Steve Herrman 
Upright Piano – Kevin McKendree 
Vocals – Buddy Guy 


I was actually a bit nervous to review Buddy Guy’s latest album. He’s 81-years-old and musicians, even great ones, eventually lose a step. Guy hasn’t lost a step, though. If anything, he’s somehow gotten better. The Blues is Alive and Well is a fantastic album, and Guys’ voice and guitar are in peak form.

How has Guy gotten better? My theory is his openness to new sounds and music. Guy inspired no shortage of musicians, from Jimi Hendrix to Stevie Ray Vaughan. But Guy has obviously spent some time listening to their work, too, and has folded it into his own music. That integration of new ideas has kept his playing from stagnating. One of the album’s more interesting tracks is “Cognac,” which he performs with Keith Richards and Jeff Beck, two legendary guitarists and both less than a decade his junior. One might expect Guy to have the more old-fashioned sound, but surprisingly it’s Richards who sounds throwback (in a good way), Guy who sounds contemporary, and Beck who, as always, sounds like he’s from the future.

The title track is pure Buddy Guy, with lots of short, jabbing licks almost hiding within the song. Guy’s solos aren’t composed so much as they’re emoted. You can’t necessarily hum them, but you’ll always feel them. He’s backed on the track by the Muscle Shoals Horns, but rather than becoming an uptown blues a la BB King, Guy keeps everything bluesy and true to his own sound. The horns are just a tool to make a great song even better. The Muscle Shoals Horns make a few appearances on the album, and provide a lift to the songs without making any of them sound like a New Orleans funeral. But the guitar is the true star of the album. So much so, that Guy’s guitars are identified in the song credits.

Guy explores some funk and some fuzzy tones, but he’s at his best when he’s delivering pure blues. For example, “Nine Below Zero,” a Sonny Boy Williamson cover, is just a perfect track. Guy’s guitar and voice are in-your-face, the drums just barely providing a beat. If not for the production, which perfectly conveys the instruments, the track could have been recorded years ago, perhaps a lost track from his (and Junior Wells’) classic Play the Blues. One of the album’s nicer moments is “Milking Muther for Ya,” which is just Guy singing along with his electric guitar and no band. The track seems like a live moment caught on tape, but seeing what Guy can do with just his voice and guitar brings home how much talent and energy he still has.

On The Blues is Alive and Well Guy shows he’s still an engaged, passionate artist. Guy uses the same band across the album, including drummer/producer Tom Hambridge, who also wrote or co-wrote most of the album’s songs. There’s a chemistry to all of the tracks because of the consistency of the line-up. But there’s also Guy and his indefatigable talent. He brings it on each and every track. Any blues fan will truly love this album. ---Steven Ovadia,



Tytuł nowego albumu Buddy Guya mówi wszystko – blues żyje i ma się świetnie! Legendarny artysta bluesowy wydał właśnie swój jedenasty solowy album! Piętnaście utworów to czysta przyjemność zarówno dla znawców bluesa, jak i dopiero rozpoczynających swoją przygodę z tym gatunkiem.

"Zawsze staram się stworzyć album, który gdy przypadkiem usłyszy jakieś dziecko, będzie chciało wziąć gitarę i grać bluesa" – mówi Buddy Guy. Wystarczy jedno przesłuchanie "The Blues Is Alive And Well", żeby przekonać się, że Guy wypełnił swoją misję. Album ukazuje się w momencie, kiedy o 81-letnim artyście jest znów głośno – podczas Grammy w 2016 roku Guy odebrał nagrodę za najlepszy bluesowy album za "Born to Play Guitar" oraz ruszył w trasę po Stanach, otwierając koncerty Jeffa Becka. Ostatnio wystąpił także podczas zamknięcia legendarnego nowojorskiego klubu B.B. King's Blues Club and Grill oraz pojawił się w programie Davida Lettermana "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction", który można oglądać na Netfliksie.

Historia albumu "The Blues Is Alive and Well" zaczyna się od spotkania Toma Hembridge'a, wieloletniego producenta i współpracownika Guya, z Buddym, podczas którego Tom pokazał artyście kolekcję piosenek, które idealnie komponowały się w nowy album. "Kiedy grasz z kimś w zespole 10 lub 12 lat, to ta osoba niemal zawsze wie, co zaraz zrobisz. Podobnie jest z Tomem, to człowiek, który czuje, co chcę zrobić. I tak jest od zawsze, tak było jeszcze kiedy zaczynałem w Chess Records, gdzie byli Willie Dixon i inni goście, którzy robili hity, to właśnie ten dzieciak wiedział, co należy zrobić. Przyniósł piosenki i zrobiliśmy z nimi dobrą robotę".

"The Blues Is Alive And Well" to także album pełen uznanych gości – jest tu James Bay, który dołączył do Guya w "Blue No More", jak i frontman Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, który dołożył się do barowego numeru "You Did The Crime". "Mick powiedział do mnie, kiedy usłyszał utwór: 'Czy to mój głos? Nie wiedziałem, że ciągle jest tak silny'" – opowiada Guy, który zna się z Jaggerem nie od dziś - zagrał już kiedyś z nim całą trasę. "Kiedykolwiek oni [Rolling Stones] wpadają do miasta, zatrzymują się w najgłośniejszym bluesowym klubie w Chicago i dzwonią do mnie, żebym wpadł. Świetnie się bawimy, ci goście są moimi przyjaciółmi od zawsze, zanim jeszcze byli sławni" – mówi Guy. Jagger nie jest jedynym członkiem Rolling Stones, który pojawia się na "The Blues Is Alive And Well" – w nagraniu utworu "Cognac" obok Jeffa Becka wziął udział też Keith Richards.

Chociaż imponująca kariera Guya ciągle nie zwalnia tempa, artysta nie zapomina o tych artystach, którzy go inspirowali. "Pewnego dnia poszedłem spać, obudziłem się i wszystkich genialnych bluesmanów już nami nie było. Muddy, Wolf, B.B. – wszyscy odeszli. Pamiętam jak kiedyś siedzieliśmy, piliśmy i śmialiśmy się, przyrzekając sobie, że jeżeli jeden z nas odejdzie, inni nie przestaną grać. Ciągle staram się robić wszystko, żeby ta muzyka, która kocham, była żywa". Z albumem takim jak "The Blues Is Alive And Well" można być pewnym, że blues – jak i sam Guy – jeszcze długo nie zniknie. ---Przemysław Kokot,

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Sat, 23 Jun 2018 14:41:36 +0000
Buddy Guy ‎– First Time I Met The Blues (1969) Buddy Guy ‎– First Time I Met The Blues (1969)

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A1 	Stone Crazy 	
A2 	I Got My Eyes On You 	
A3 	My Time After Awhile 	
A4 	Slop Around 	
A5 	Skippin' 	
A6 	Ten Years Ago 	
B1 	Broken Hearted Blues 	
B2 	The Treasure Untold 	
B3 	When My Left Eye Jumps 	
B4 	Let Me Love You Baby 	
B5 	I Dig Your Wig 	
B6 	Mother In Law Blues

Buddy Guy – vocals, guitar
Otis Spann, Lafayette Leake – piano
Lefty Bates – guitar
Junior Wells, Sonny Boy Williamson - harmonica
Jack Meyers – bass
Gerry Gibson, Donald Hickens – tenor saxophone
Hank Melans – baritone saxophone
Fred Below, Phil Thomas  - drums

Python Records 2 ‎

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Sat, 26 Nov 2016 14:38:15 +0000
Buddy Guy - Sit & Cry The Blues (2011) Buddy Guy - Sit & Cry The Blues (2011)

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01. Sit And Cry (The Blues)
02. Try To Quit You Baby
03. You Sure Can't Do
04. This Is The End
05. First Time I Met The Blues
06. Slop Around
07. I Got My Eyes On You
08. Broken Hearted Blues
09. Let Me Love You Baby
10. I Got A Strange Feeling
11. Gully Hully
12. Ten Years Ago
13. You Sure Can't Do
14. This Is The End
15. I Hope You Come Back Home
16. The Way You Been Treatin' Me
17. Buddy's Blues
18. Blue Monday
19. Every Day I Have The Blues
20. Woman Blues

Tracks 1-4
Buddy Guy: guitar, vocals
Otis Rush: guitar
Willie Dixon: bass
Odie Payne: drums
Bob Neely: tenor sax
McKinley Easton: baritone sax

Chicago, Illinois 1958

Tracks 5–12
Buddy Guy: guitar, vocals
Little Brother Montgomery: piano
Bob Neely: tenor sax
Jarret Gibson: tenor sax
Donald Hankins: baritone sax
Jack Meyers: bass
Fred Below: drums

Chicago, Illinois 1960

Bonus Tracks 13-14
Buddy Guy: guitar, vocals
Ike Turner: guitar
Willie Dixon: bass
Odie Payne: drums
Carston Oliver: tenor sax
Jackie Brenston: baritone sax

Chicago, Illinois 1958

Tracks 15-16
Buddy Guy: guitar, vocals
Phil Guy: guitar
Unknown: drums
Unknown: tenor sax

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May 1957


A pioneer of Chicago's fabled West Side sound, and a living link to that city's halcyon days of electric blues, Buddy Guy straddles both traditional and modern Blues, as well as musical generations. After starting as a sideman, and after decades of paying dues, toiling in the Chicago clubs, Buddy Guy began his march to worldwide fame, emerging as the most heralded Bluesman of his generation, a hugely influential guitarist and passionate, dynamic live performer. Originally playing in the style of his first big influence, Guitar Slim, Buddy later absorbed the more mellow tones of B.B. King, but Buddy's guitar histrionics and tortured, high-pitched, gospel-influenced vocal style put him in a category all of his own. During his lengthy career he not only worked with legends of the genre such as Muddy Waters, Otis Rush, Little Walter and Howlin Wolf, but also was a chief guitar influence to Rock titans like Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan. Buddy now not only headlines Blues festivals but also appears at major Rock venues. He continues to cut album after album his latest Living Proof released in 2010 of passionate, hard-edged, sometime Rock-tinted Blues, often with guest appearances by Rockers such Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck or Carlos Santana.

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Sun, 12 Jun 2016 14:35:10 +0000
Buddy Guy - Born To Play Guitar (2015) Buddy Guy - Born To Play Guitar (2015)

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01. Born To Play Guitar
02. Wear You Out (feat. Billy Gibbons)
03. Back Up Mama
04. Too Late (feat. Kim Wilson)
05. Whiskey, Beer & Wine
06. Kiss Me Quick (feat. Kim Wilson)
07. Crying Out of One Eye
08. (Baby) You Got What It Takes (feat. Joss Stone)
09. Turn Me Wild
10. Crazy World
11. Smarter Than I Was
12. Thick Like Mississippi Mud
13. Flesh & Bone (with Van Morrison)[Dedicated to B.B. King]
14. Come Back Muddy

Buddy Guy - Guitar (Acoustic), Guitar (Electric), Vocals
Doyle Bramhall II - Guitar (12 String Acoustic), Guitar (Electric)
Bob Britt - Guitar (Electric), Guitar (Resonator)
Chris Carmichael - String Arrangements, Strings
Billy Cox - Bass (Electric)
Billy Gibbons - Guitar (Electric), Vocals
Kenny Greenberg - Guitar (Electric)
Tom Hambridge - Drums, Percussion, Tambourine, Triangle, Vocals (Background), Wind Chimes
Tommy Macdonald - Bass (Electric)
The McCrary Sisters - Vocals (Background)
Kevin McKendree - African Piano, Hammond B3, Piano
Rob McKendree - Clavinet
Rob McNelley - Guitar (Electric), Guitar (Resonator), Slide Guitar
Van Morrison - 	Vocals
Michael Rhodes -Acoustic Bass Guitar, Bass (Electric)
Joss Stone - Vocals
Kim Wilson - Harmonica
Glenn Worf - Bass (Electric), Bass (Upright)
Reese Wynans - Clavinet, Hammond B3, Piano (Grand), Piano (Upright), Wurlitzer


Once again working with producer/songwriter Tom Hambridge -- the bluesman's main collaborator since 2008's Skin Deep -- Buddy Guy serves up a straight-ahead platter with Born to Play Guitar, his 28th studio album. Many of Guy's latter-day records loosely follow a theme, but Born to Play Guitar is pretty direct: just a collection of songs designed to showcase Buddy's oversized Stratocaster. Which isn't to say there's either a lack of variety or pro forma songwriting here. Hambridge cleverly colors Born to Play Guitar with a few bold, unexpected flourishes: the sweeps of sweet strings that accentuate "(Baby) You've Got What It Takes," a duet with Joss Stone that lightly recalls Etta James' Chess Records work; the big, blaring horns of "Thick Like Mississippi Mud" that moves that track out of the Delta and into an urban setting; the acoustic "Come Back Muddy" which performs that trick in reverse, pushing Chicago blues back down south. Elsewhere, Van Morrison contributes a moving tribute to B.B. King in "Flesh and Bone," a heartfelt ballad that doesn't quite fit with the rest of the record because it's about song, not feel -- a nice anomaly on a record whose greater concern is juke joint boogie. Guy delivers on this front quite ably, particularly when he's paired with fellow blues lifer Kim Wilson (as he is on "Too Late" and "Kiss Me Quick") or when Billy Gibbons slithers out of the Texas hills to lay down the heavy stomp of "Wear You Out," and while there are no surprises on these duets, nor on the proudly traditional Chicago blues of "Born to Play Guitar," "Back Up Mama," and "Whiskey, Beer & Wine," there is still pleasure in hearing a master tear into his beloved music. --- Stephen Thomas Erlewine


Guitarist Buddy Guy — one of the last working giants from the electric blues' greatest generation — traces his life in mission and missing, from the crackling title cut to the B.B. King memorial "Flesh and Blood," sung with Van Morrison, and "Come Back Muddy," a message to Guy's late boss, Muddy Waters. Guy co-wrote just four songs here, but he sings and solos with reliable ferocity; two tracks with harpist Kim Wilson evoke his classic partnership with Junior Wells. "I was born to play the guitar/People, I got blues running through my veins," Guy sings — lines he didn't write but lived. In the blues, that's what matters. ---David Fricke,


Legenda bluesa, zdobywca wielu prestiżowych nagród, ikona – tak w kilku słowach można opisać Buddy Guy’a. Jego najnowsza płyta „Born To Play Guitar” została wyprodukowana przez zdobywcę nagrody Grammy, producenta i tekściarza, a także wieloletniego współpracownika Guy’a – Toma Hambridge’a. Album zawiera 14 wyjątkowych kompozycji. Wśród nich znalazły się duety z takimi gwiazdami jak Van Morrison (piosenka dedykowana B.B. Kingowi), Joss Stone, Kim Wilson i Gibbson.

Buddy Guy w 2015 roku otrzymał nagrodę Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Jego kariera trwa nieprzerwanie od 50 lat, a na swoim koncie ma kilkanaście albumów. W tym czasie zdobył również 7 nagród Grammy, 28 Blue Music Awards, odznaczenie Kennedy Center, nagrodę dekady Billboard Music Awards za wybitny rozwój artystyczny, a także wprowadzenie do Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. ---

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Sun, 20 Sep 2015 16:10:16 +0000
Buddy Guy - Bring 'Em In & Skin Deep (2013) Buddy Guy - Bring 'Em In & Skin Deep (2013)

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Disc 1 - Bring 'Em In
01. Now You're Gone 5:03
02. Ninety Nine And One Half 3:47
03. What Kind Of Woman Is This 5:17
04. Somebody's Sleeping In My Bed 6:24
05. I Put A Spell On You (Feat. Carlos Santana) 4:04
06. On A Saturday Night 3:17
07. Ain't No Sunshine (Feat. Tracy Chapman) 3:24
08. I've Got Dreams To Remember (Feat. John Mayer) 4:56
09. Lay Lady Lay (Feat. Anthony Hamilton & Robert Randolph) 4:35
10. Cheaper To Keep Her-Blues In The Night 6:17
11. Cut You Loose 7:38
12. The Price You Gotta Pay (Feat. Keith Richards) 3:40
13. Do Your Thing 4:07

Disc 2 - Skin Deep
01. Best Damn Fool 4:57
02. Too Many Tears (Feat. Derek Trucks & Susan Tedeschi) 4:25
03. Lyin' Like A Dog 7:27
04. Show Me The Money 3:09
05. Every Time I Sing The Blues (Feat. Eric Clapton) 7:37
06. Out In The Woods (Feat. Robert Randolph) 5:43
07. Hammer And A Nail 2:57
08. That's My Home (Feat. Robert Randolph) 2:52
09. Skin Deep (Feat. Derek Trucks) 4:29
10. Who's Gonna Fill Those Shoes 4:08
11. Smell The Funk 4:46
12. I Found Happiness 5:39


This Sony UK 2013 two-fer pairs two latter-day albums from Buddy Guy: the 2005 album Bring 'Em In and its 2008 sequel, Skin Deep. The Steve Jordan-produced Bring 'Em In and the Tom Hambridge-produced Skin Deep are both cut from the same cloth and feature a bunch of cameos -- Keith Richards, John Mayer, and Tracy Chapman on the former; Derek Trucks & Susan Tedeschi, Eric Clapton, and Robert Randolph on the latter -- and if neither are standouts in his discography, they're both enjoyable and this is a nice, easy way to get them both simultaneously. --- Stephen Thomas Erlewine, Rovi


After decades of paying dues, Buddy Guy has emerged as the most heralded bluesman of his generation, a hugely influential guitarist and passionate, dynamic live performer. But Buddy started as a sideman, and toiled in the Chicago clubs for a decade before beginning his march to worldwide fame.

Buddy began as a sideman in Baton Rouge, playing primarily with the late Raful Neal (father of bluesman Kenny Neal and an excellent bluesman in his own right). Seeking a record deal, Buddy came to Chicago in 1957 at the age of 21. He was “adopted” by Muddy Waters, who encouraged the young bluesman when gigs weren’t immediately forthcoming. Buddy’s first step forward was winning a legendary guitar contest at the Blue Flame on the South Side, when his combination of great playing and showmanship (his 100-foot guitar cord allowing him to wander through the audience and down the street).

He quickly won a local reputation for his wild live shows, in the style of his first big influence, Guitar Slim. Later Buddy absorbed the smoother sounds of B.B. King, but Buddy’s tortured, high-pitched, gospel-influenced vocal style put him in a different category; he simply couldn’t (and wouldn’t) control the frenzy of his music.

He found his first recording contract with Eli Toscano’s Artistic label (Eli also owned the Cobra label, which broke Magic Sam and Otis Rush as major league blues stars in the 1950s). His two singles for Artistic were produced by Willie Dixon, but they failed to dent the charts. When Cobra folded, Buddy was signed by Chess where he continued his association with Dixon. His Chess singles like “The First Time I Met The Blues,” “Let Me Love You, Baby,” “My Time After Awhile” and “Stone Crazy” are now considered classics that first exhibited Buddy’s mature style, with his stuttering guitar work and on-the-edge singing. But again, Buddy didn’t receive the R&B radio play of his contemporaries, and he continued to work the South Side clubs as well as doing session work for Chess with Muddy Waters, Koko Taylor and others.

When the folk music boom of the 1960s began turning its attention to electric blues, Buddy finally found his audience. Pairing with his friend, harpist Junior Wells (with whom he had played for many years at Theresa’s Lounge), he recorded first on Junior’s classic HOODOO MAN BLUES album on Delmark and then on Vanguard’s CHICAGO/THE BLUES/TODAY series, which was one of the first blues recordings aimed at the young folk audience. Buddy won a contract with Vanguard, cutting his famed A MAN AND THE BLUES album. He hit the road, appearing with both Junior and on his own, electrifying folk and rock venues and touring the U.S., Europe and Africa (including a tour with the Rolling Stones). Eric Clapton named Buddy as his favorite guitarist.

But even with all this fame and hundreds of live shows, Buddy couldn’t secure a major label contract during the ‘70s and ‘80s. He recorded extensively for English and European labels, both in the studio and live. His brilliant electric and acoustic (with Junior Wells) albums for the French Isabel label were issued in the U.S. by Alligator under the titles STONE CRAZY! and ALONE & ACOUSTIC.

Finally, in the 1990s, Buddy got the break he was looking for. He was signed to the Silvertone label (distributed by the multinational BMG) and his fans Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck joined him for his DAMN RIGHT I’VE GOT THE BLUES CD. The album along with the accompanying video launched Buddy as a headliner, playing not only blues festivals but also major rock venues. He hasn’t looked back since then, cutting album after album of passionate, hard-edged blues and rock tunes, often with guest appearances by rockers. More recently, he’s recorded stripped-down CDs that have taken him back to his Deep South roots.

When not on the road, Buddy spends most of his time at his famous Buddy Guy’s Legends club, easily the top blues spot in Chicago, if not the world.

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:45:51 +0000
Buddy Guy - Montreux Jazz Festiwal 2004 Buddy Guy - Montreux Jazz Festiwal 2004

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01. Good Morning Little School Girl
02. Louise McGhee
03. Done Got Old
04. Hoochie Coochie Man
05. Fever 
06. Drowning on Dry Land 
07. Stormy Monday 8. Jam Session 1
09. So Many Roads, So Many Trains 
10. Jam Session 2

Buddy Guy – guitar, vocals
Jason Moynihan – saxophone
Marty Sammon – keyboards
Ric Hall – guitar
Orlando Wright – bass
Tim Austin – drums
Carlos Santana – guitar
Bobby Parker – guitar
Nile Rodgers – guitar
Eric Demmer – saxophone
Barbara Morrison – vocals


With his theatrical personality, his tortured voice and energetic playing, Buddy Guy is a living legend. And yet, there was a time when he could not land a decent contract. Time was his side as, today, he is known as one of the greatest guitarist of all times, just like his mentor and idol, Muddy Waters. From his debut in the 50s on the stage of Bâton Rouge and his collaboration with Clapton, to his appearance at the Montreux Jazz Festival in 1974 and the release of his latest album Sweet Tea, Buddy Guy has continued to rule supreme over Chicago Blues. ---

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Sat, 23 Mar 2013 17:34:36 +0000
Buddy Guy – Washington (1993) Buddy Guy – Washington 1993

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01. Mary Had A Little Lamb- 3:15 
02. Sweet Little Angel- 11:31 
03. I Just Want To Make Love To You Medley- 8:42 
04. Stormy Monday- 4:49 
05. Someone Else Is Slippin' In- 4:55 
06. Sweet Home Chicago- 7:52 
07. Hoochie Coochie Man Medley- 9:25 
08. Mustang Sally- 4:30 
09. Knock On Wood- 12:58 

Buddy Guy- Vocals, Guitar 
Scott Holt- Guitar 
John Cady- Keyboards 
Greg Rzab- Bass 
Calvin Johnson- Drums


George "Buddy" Guy (born July 30, 1936) is an American blues guitarist and singer. Critically acclaimed, he is a pioneer of the Chicago blues sound and has served as an influence to some of the most notable musicians of his generation. "A key influence on Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy put the Louisiana hurricane in 1960s electric Chicago blues as a member of Muddy Waters' band and as a house guitarist at Chess Records. A native of the Baton Rouge area, he combined a blazing modernism with a fierce grip on his roots, playing frantic leads heavy with swampy funk on Howlin' Wolf's 'Killing Floor' and Koko Taylor's 'Wang Dang Doodle' as well as on his own Chess sides and the fine series of records he made with harp man Junior Wells. One of the last active connections to the golden age of Chess, Guy still plays with his original fire."

Ranked thirtieth in Rolling Stone magazine's list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time", Guy is known for his showmanship on stage: playing his guitar with drumsticks or strolling into the audience while playing solos. His song "Stone Crazy" was ranked seventy-eighth in list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time also of Rolling Stone.

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Fri, 30 Mar 2012 16:22:33 +0000
Buddy Guy – Living Proof (2010) Buddy Guy – Living Proof (2010)

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01. 74 Years Young
02. Thank Me Someday
03. On The Road
04. Stay Around A Little Longer (feat. B.B.King)
05. Key Don't Fit
06. Living Proof play
07. Where The Blues Begins (feat. Carlos Santana
08. Too Soon play
09. Everybody's Got To Go
10. Let The Door Knob Hit Ya
11. Guess What
12. Skandy

• Buddy Guy - Guitars, Vocals
• David Grissom - Guitar
• Tommy Macdonald - Bass
• Michael Rhodes - Bass
• Tom Hambridge - Drums, Percussion, Tambourine, Vocals (Background)
• Marty Sammon - Piano
• B.B. King - Guitar, Vocals on Track 4 "Stay Around a While"
• Carlos Santana - Conga, Guitar on Track 7 "Where the Blues Begins"
• Reese Wynans - Clavinet, Fender Rhodes, Hammond B3, Piano, Wurlitzer
• Jack Hale - Trombone
• Wayne Jackson - Trumpet
• Tom McGinley - Tenor Saxophone
• The Memphis Horns - Horns
• Bekka Bramlett - Background Vocals
• Wendy Moten - Background Vocals


Buddy Guy had been Grammy nominated for best contemporary blues album had me revisiting the scalding blisses of Living Proof. That's typical of Guy's examination of his storied past here: leather-tough, unsentimental and bearing a strong resemblance to the gauntlet-tossing braggadocio Muddy Waters, Guy's former boss. But this pioneer—still underappreciated, despite the Grammy nod and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction—takes it a step further with his signature melding of blues and heavy-rock guitar.

“You know, a doctor came to my home, said you're gonna die all alone," Guy sings on the delicious, Texas-rocking title track. “Well, I'm still here—and that doctor's dead and gone!"

Living Proof—again produced and co-written with Tom Hambridge, who previously worked with Guy on 2008's only so-so Skin Deep—is easily the Lettsworth, La., native's most consistent recording in years, and one that most resembles the liquid-fire aggression of his live performances. Buddy Guy is not disappearing quietly into any good night. In fact, if ever goes down, it'll be swinging.

Take “Thank Me Someday," this brash retelling of his hardscrabble beginnings. As a young musician with dreams of escape—and a very noisy, homemade two-string guitar—he remembers being asked to quiet down. Guy replies: “Shut up! Y'all are going to thank me one day," then descends into an incendiary instrumental passage—exclaiming, “I'm going to make sure you hear me!" “On the Road," which gets an able assist from the Memphis Horns, finds Guy similarly undiminished by time—squeezing out repetitive, ozone-producing riffs that recall guitar-god successor Stevie Ray Vaughan. “Key Don't Fit" is a muscular update of “Somebody Done Changed the Lock on My Door," popularized by Louis Jordan. Elsewhere, Guy tells off a complaining partner with “Let The Door Knob Hit Ya," and boldly uncovers the lies of a cheating lover in “Guess What." “Skanky," the closing instrumental, is perfectly titled. -- Nick DeRiso,

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Tue, 04 Jan 2011 19:17:12 +0000
Buddy Guy - Buddy's Blues (1997) Buddy Guy - Buddy's Blues (1997)

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1. Worried Mind
2. First Time I Met The Blues
3. Let Me Love You Baby
4. I Found A True Love
5. Pretty Baby
6. My Time After A While (alternate)
7. Stone Crazy
8. Keep It To Myself (a/k/a Keep It To Yourself)
9. Ten Years Ago
10. Got To Use Your Head
11. I Cry And Sing The Blues
12. She Suits Me To A Tee
13. My Love Is Real
14. Leave My Girl Alone
15. When My Left Eye Jumps

Recorded between 1960 & 1967.

Buddy Guy (vocals, guitar);
Lacy Gibson (vocals, guitar);
Matt "Guitar" Murphy, Lefty Bates (guitar);
Junior Wells (harmonica);
Jarrett Gibson, Donald Hankins (tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone);
Bob Neely, Abe Locke, Gene Barge, A.C. Reed, Milton Bland (tenor saxophone);
Sonny Turner , Murray Watson (trumpet);
Lafayette Leake, Leonard Caston (piano, organ);
Little Brother Montgomery, Otis Spann (piano);
Clifton James, Fred Below, Al Duncan , Phil Thomas, Charles Stepney (drums).


As part of MCA's Chess Records 50th Anniversary series, Buddy's Blues sweats Guy's multi-disc retrospective, The Complete Chess Studio Recordings down to a scintillating 15-track package and comes up with a bare-bones winner. There are loads of great guitar on classics like "First Time I Met the Blues," "Let Me Love You Baby," "Pretty Baby," "My Time After Awhile," "Stone Crazy," and Guy's voice is at its whiplash exuberant best. Unexpected bonuses pop up in the comp's kickoff track, a full-length version of "Worried Mind," issued here without the overdubbed applause and crowd noises that accompanied its original release on Folk Festival of the Blues (see Muddy Waters' entry). Also noteworthy is Junior Wells' appearance on chromatic harp on "Ten Years Ago," and Guy's stellar guitar behind Lacy Gibson's vocal on a Buddy Guy original, "My Love Is Real." And special note must also be made of the spacious stereo mixes used on this compilation, making these 30-year-old-plus tracks shine like diamonds coming off the laser beam. We also experience all the stylistic turns toward a kinship with the burgeoning soul and rock scenes that Guy would make toward the end of his Chess tenure, along with the smoking slow burners that are his trademark, some of which clock in at four to six minutes here. With his very best tracks compiled on one disc, and with beautiful transfers of them to enhance the listening experience, this should be one of your very first stops in absorbing the sides that made Buddy Guy's reputation among blues fans and guitar aficionados the world over. ---Cub Koda,

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Fri, 14 May 2010 09:35:03 +0000
Buddy Guy – The Great Buddy Guy (1993) Buddy Guy – The Great Buddy Guy (1993)

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1. First Time I Met The Blues
2. I Got My Eyes On You
3. Let Me Love You Baby
4. I Got A Strange Feeling
5. Ten Years Ago
6. Baby (Baby, Baby, Baby)
7. That's It
8. No Lie
9. My Love Is Real
10. Every Girl I See
11. Leave My Girl Alone
12. Got To Use Your Head
13. Going To School
14. Buddy's Groove


Buddy Guy (born George Guy, July 30, 1936 in Lettsworth, Louisiana) is an American blues music and rock music guitarist, as well as a singer. Known as an inspiration to Jimi Hendrix and other 1960s blues and rock legends, Guy is considered as an important proponent of chicago blues made famous by Muddy Waters and Howlin’ Wolf. He has influenced both widely known and local blues guitarists.

Guy is known for his showmanship; for example, he plays with drumsticks and walks into the audience whilst playing, the latter being a gimmick he picked up from a local blues guitarist at an early age (joining or leaping into the audience has also long been common in both American popular and gospel music, as in the earlier work of Big Jay McNeely or the Dixie Hummingbirds).

Guy grew up in Louisiana where he learned to play guitar. In the early 1950s he began performing with bands in Baton Rouge. Soon after moving to Chicago in 1957, Guy fell under the influence of “Mighty” Muddy Waters. In 1958 he won a record contract with Artistic Records after beating the West Side guitarists Magic Sam and Otis Rush in a “Head Cutting Contest” at the Blue Flame Club. Soon afterwards he recorded for the Cobra label.

In the early 1960s, Guy was a session guitarist for Chess Records. He recorded on Junior Wells sessions for Delmark Records under the pseudonym Friendly Chap in 1965 and 1966. His career took off during a blues revival period in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and was sparked by Eric Clapton’s request that Guy be part of the ‘24 nights’ all-star blues guitar lineup at London’s Royal Albert Hall and Guy’s subsequent signing with Silvertone Records.

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]]> (bluesever) Buddy Guy Thu, 13 May 2010 21:14:45 +0000