Classical The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. Sat, 01 Jun 2024 01:12:16 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Jennifer Larmore - Bravura Diva (2005) Jennifer Larmore - Bravura Diva (2005)

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01 ELOISA Scena 'Alta e la notte' (Costa)
02 Aria 'Suon profondo'
03 Cabaletta 'Gemo, sospiro e fremo'
04 BIANA E FALLIERO Allegro 'Tu non sai' (Rossini)
05 Moderato 'Lasso! cessar di vivere'
06 Cabaletta 'Ma piu che onore e vita'
07 ANDRONICO Duetto 'Vanne se alberghi in petto' (Mercadante)
08 Andantino 'O voce soave, D'un tenero affetto'
09 Vivace 'Quanto e barbaro il mio fato!...'
10 ELISABETTA REGINA D'INGHILTERRA Cavatina 'Quan'e grato' (Rossini)
11 Cabaletta 'Questo cor ben lo comprende'
12 IL DESIO Duetto 'Quanto al cor mi parlo. Il cantar tuo gentil' (Arditi)
13 AMELIA Scena 'Oh! com'e tristo. Per me quest'ogg'il sol' (Rossi)
14 Cavatina 'L'lalma mia che in Adolfo s'apprese'
15 Cabaletta 'Se de' miei palpiti, Del mio dolore'
16 CARLO DI BORGOGNA Scena 'Ove siam- Feral d'intorno' (Pacini)
17 Duetto 'L'ombra mira di colei'
18 Andantino 'Carlo quel talamo'
19 Stretta 'Perdon chiedi-... Gia segnata e la tua sorte'
20 TEMISTOCLE Cavatina 'Tacete! ohime, quei cantici' (Pacini)
21 Cabaletta 'Ah! di quest'anima'

Jennifer Larmore (Mezzo Soprano)
Majella Cullagh (Soprano)
Bruce Ford (Tenor)
David Harper (Piano)
Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields (8)
David Parry (1, 8, 9)
Giuliano Carella (2, 10)
Antonello Allemandi (3-5, 7)


Jennifer Larmore’s exceptional affinity with the bel canto repertoire, supported by her formidable technical armoury, has allowed Opera Rara the luxury of recording for this disc some of the most difficult vocal music of the 19th century. Virtuosity, then, is the theme of this album. It features music written for several of the greatest singers of the early 19th century, including Carolina Bassi, Rosmonda Pisaroni, Isabella Colbran and Maria Malibran. A lot has been written about the vocal abilities of these legendary singers. The music they sang is often very florid, the drama reinforced by pyrotechnical vocal hurdles, which on paper look just this side of impossible. It’s only when you hear a singer of the calibre of Jennifer Larmore actually leaping those hurdles that you begin to understand what the fuss was all about. Works by Costa, Rossini, Pacini, Mercadante and Lauro Rossi are all featured on this disc. ---

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]]> (bluesever) Jennifer Larmore Tue, 15 Oct 2013 16:05:31 +0000
Jennifer Larmore ‎– Call Me Mister (1996) Jennifer Larmore ‎– Call Me Mister (1996)

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1 - Orfeo ed Euridice: 'Che faro senza Euridice'
2 - Le nozze di Figaro: 'Non so piu cosa son, cosa faccio...'
3 - Tancredi: 'Oh patria!...Di tanti palpiti'
4 - La Donna Del Lago: 'Mura felici'
5 - I Capuleti e i Montecchi: 'Lieto del dolce incarco...La tremenda'
6 - Lucrezia Borgia: 'Il segreto'
7 - Anna Bolena: 'E sgombro il loco...Ah! parea'
8 - Les Hugenots: 'Nobles seigneurs'
9 - Faust: 'Faites-lui mes aveux
10 - Romeo et Juliette: 'Depuis hier...Que fais-tu'
11 - La pucelle d'Orleans: 'Oui, Dieu le veut!...Adieu, forets'
12 - Die Fledermaus: 'Ich lade gern mir Gaste ein'
13 - Die Fledermaus: 'From Time To Time I Entertain'

Jennifer Larmore - Mezzo-soprano 
Welsh National Orchestra
Carlo Rizzi - Conductor 


Atlanta-born Larmore has a most individual and sumptuous mezzo-soprano sound. The dramatic and vocal potential of such a voice should be endless but in this rather gimmicky ‘concept’ disc of Hosenrollen or trouser-roles – those where a female mezzo plays male characters (usually callow youths) – Larmore’s glorious sound does not enthrall over the 70 minutes and her interpretations are rather bland. The Thirties-style sepia print cover of Larmore – complete with pinstripe suit, slicked back hair and cheroot in hand – is actually slightly misleading as the chosen repertoire is of a heavy and melodramatic nature and only the Mozart and Johann Strauss can possibly reflect any semblance of the character promised by the packaging. Larmore alters the warmth of her deep velvet tone on certain vowels when most of these arias need a thorough consistency of sound, strong interpretative flair and expressive shading in phrasing and delivery. Larmore’s roulades in the Rossini Donna del lago scena are not precise – more like roulette – and although she shows coloratura flexibility in the Donizetti Anna Bolena aria and in Meyerbeer’s ‘Nobles seigneurs’, most of the time we are merely assailed by her stunning sound rather than captivated by any musical substance. The WNO Orchestra and Rizzi are unusually perfunctory, with only the occasional flash of their fine ensemble artistry. Altogether a lacklustre affair. ---Elise McDougall,

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]]> (bluesever) Jennifer Larmore Wed, 03 May 2017 13:12:59 +0000