Jazz The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/jazz/5623.html Fri, 31 May 2024 21:53:23 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Milosc & Lester Bowie - Not Two (1995) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/jazz/5623-milosc-milosc-1993/21058-milosc-a-lester-bowie-not-two-1995.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/jazz/5623-milosc-milosc-1993/21058-milosc-a-lester-bowie-not-two-1995.html Miłość & Lester Bowie - Not Two (1995)

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01. Smrt Maharihia
02. Plasm - Itch
03. Taniec Mikołaja
04. Orchilius
05. Here's the Olden Messaur
06. Chłopaki na damkach
07. Ordre Omnitonique

Lester Bowie – trumpet;
Mikołaj Trzaska - alto & soprano saxophones;
Ryszard Tymon Tymański - bass;
Jacek Olter - drums;
Lesław Możdżer - piano;
Maciej Sikała - tenor saxophone.


Not Two is a rare document of one of the last recordings by revered jazz musician Lester Bowie, recorded live on the 19th of November 1997 at the Eskulap Club, Poznań Jazz Fair, Poznań, Poland. On this record Lester Bowie is joined by on of the best European jazz and experimental music bands of 1990s scene - MIŁOŚĆ. In around 1992, a unique scene began in Gdańsk, Poland and surrounding cities. 'Yass', as the scene came to be called, generally has its philosophic roots in the Vajrayana Buddhist faith. Mainly, these musicians focus on freeing music from categorization and on blurring genre definitions. These are stunning musicians, versatile, dexterous, and often full of humor. 'Yass' groups such as MIŁOŚĆ have collectively transformed virtually every tradition of jazz, from swing to free-jazz, and have mixed in punk, noise, and playful iconoclasm.

When I founded MIŁOŚĆ back in 1988, we had an experimental new wave group background and quite a collection of weird, far-out ideas designed to blast the conformist music world. We had already been into Zappa, Beefheart, Frith and lves and had just recently discovered Coltrane, Dolphy Coleman, Ayler and the Art Ensemble of Chicago. We were a band of hot-heads around 20, who ostentatiously quit school and devoted themselves to playing and discussing music for days and nights on end. Boy, did we totally freak out when we heard that great, uncompromising, passionate music... These guys were to influence us strongly for half a decade until we worked out our own idiosyncratic Yass style involving free improvisation, rock expression, classical harmonies, ethnic rhythms & feeling and what have you... Up to December 1995 we issued two CD records of original material, having gained a cult reputation and a hard core audience mainly throughout Poland. Our music clearly appealed to improvised music fiends and punk rock fans, affecting the brainless and the sophisticated (neither the better). Actually it's because that's the way we are, I believe; highly intellectual and deadly brainless at the same time.

No wonder I immediately began arranging a mental list of the likes of us, some uninhibited musicians who'd kind to suit our sane insanity, when our Poznań mate Piotr Nycz from the Eskulap club proposed that MIŁOŚĆ play in a sextet format with a chosen guest star. The date was to be at the Poznań Jazz Fair towards the end of 1994. Another friend of ours, Jarek Tylicki of the Colosseum Agency, by the way himself a Zappa & Dolphy fan, offered me this innocent suggestion, 'What about... Lester Bowie?'. Yeah, that was it - the best hit he could make, the best combination we could dream of. When I finally confronted Lester on the 17th of November 1994, as he and his entourage were heading for the club we were to rehearse at, I told him, 'You know it's not an accident that we are playing together tomorrow...'. 'What do you mean, man?' his eyes questioned. 'It's because the Art Ensemble and us are just a bunch of freaks', I continued, while Lester laughed and nodded his approval.

The concert playing was extremely good, also thanks to the audience. Lester Bowie turned out to be a warm, charismatic person and a superb, experienced musician whose ways were far above the traditional rules and regulations. With him it was easy to relax, it was all about relaxing. You cannot say that about our uptight, ego-neurotic, professor-like jazz scene leaders. When you play with him, the music just happens. If you're able to let it go and be open to whatever comes next, magic may come your way too. 'Free jazz is not what people call or think is free. It could be a melody a song or ballad, a free or bop thing, just anything. It's about free approach and that's misunderstood', he explained to us at the rehearsal. 'Let's follow the music - it will be all clear'. And I think we did it that way with great assistance on the part of Lester who danced around with his trumpet, his lab coat waving, his eyes half-closed, his energy never demanding or disturbing, always ready to help the music flow intervening when necessary. 'When you really play you forget yourself and the ego disappears. The music cannot be controlled', he commented after the concert, visibly content with what we'd done together. We were even more than this, hoping it wasn't the last time we meet and it wasn't; as soon as in January 1996 the same sextet is to play a regular tour around Poland. C'mon, you don't really have to read all this. It's enough if you only listen to this recording of a live performance of ours which speaks for itself - music always does. Feel free to enter its magic yet not virtual reality in which lives meet, energies coalesce, worlds and music blend... All being just one, not two. --- culture.pl

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Milosc Mon, 30 Jan 2017 18:01:51 +0000
Milosc - Milosc (1993) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/jazz/5623-milosc-milosc-1993/21043-milosc-milosc-1993.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/jazz/5623-milosc-milosc-1993/21043-milosc-milosc-1993.html Miłość - Miłość (1993)

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01. Luke the Skywalker
02. Saints of the Latter Days (Święci dni ostatnich)
03. Bluesin' For Lennie Tristano (Blues dla L. T.)
04. Mój Tata to Bodhisattva (My Dad's A Bodhisattva)
05. Dr King
06. Zawodowe Mięczaki (Softies by Profession)
07. Coltrane
08. The Impossible (Niemożliwe)
09. Swędzenie Plazmy / Żywica (Plasm - itch / Resin)

Mikołaj Trzaska – alto i soprano saxophones
Lesław Możdżer – piano
Ryszard Tymon Tymański – contrabass
Jacek Olter – drums, percussion


Polish band Miłość ("Love" from Polish) were a cornerstone of Polish jazz of new generation. Founded in 1988 in small town far from traditional Polish jazz centers as Warsaw or Cracow, this band became a generator of new vision in Polish jazz and catalyzed whole unique sub-genre,named "yass".

It's interesting that band's founder double bassist and guitarist Ryszard Tymon Tymański came not from jazz scene - he was former leader of known Polish new-wave group Sni Sredstvom Za Uklanianie came. Other members were more of classical/jazz background though. Their self-titled debut contains melodic and quite accessible mix of avant-garde jazz,rock energy and theatrical,even circus-like show elements. Fresh and modern sound attracted a lot of young listeners (and musicians) and in few upcoming years formed strong and influential "yass" movement,based around "Mozg" club in small town of Bydgoszcz (same town,where "Miłość" were founded and based).

Looking from now there is not possible even to imagine Polish jazz history without "yass" - and "Miłość" was the beginning of all that!All former band's members later became important Polish jazz musicians including Leszek Możdżer - possibly best known Polish jazz pianist outside the country till now.Sax player Mikołaj Trzaska became significant avant-garde jazz scene musician as well.

After few line-up changes and two albums with Lester Bowie (six released albums at all)bands was disbanded (after drummer Jacek Olter death in 2002). But till now already new jazz musicians and listeners generation often mention these nine compositions as their source of inspiration. --- jazzmusicarchives.com


Miłość - wiadomo: Tymon, młody Możdżer, legendarny Olter, Sikała i Trzaska. Sprawa doskonale znana każdemu zainteresowanemu polskim jazzem. Pardon, yassem. Wiemy doskonale, że Miłość to był kawał zespołu, chętnie eksperymentujący, podejmujący nieoczywiste rozwiązania. Niezwykłe w takiej sytuacji - powiedzmy, stricte muzycznej - wydaje się, że członkowie zespołu właściwie nigdy nie powinni znaleźć się razem w jednym pomieszczeniu. Różnice dzielące muzyków były - i nadal są - ogromne, co sprawia, że opowieść o Miłości jest jednym z najlepszych, najbardziej poruszających dokumentów muzycznych jakie widziałem. "Mój zespół miał być elektryzujący, nie chciałem grać dżeziku" - mówi Tymański w jednej ze scen. --- jazzarium.pl

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Milosc Fri, 27 Jan 2017 16:19:20 +0000
Milosc - Taniec smoka (1994) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/jazz/5623-milosc-milosc-1993/21181-milosc-taniec-smoka-1994.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/jazz/5623-milosc-milosc-1993/21181-milosc-taniec-smoka-1994.html Milosc - Taniec smoka (1994)

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01. Taniec smoka (The Dragon Dance)
02. Maszyna ludzka (Human Machine)
03. Lezor i Niutnia (Lezor & Niutnia)
04. Pańska bródka mnie denerwuje (Nie mówiąc już o wąsikach) / Your Goatee Gets on My Nerves (Not to Mention the Moustache)
05. Cardano
06. Chłepcąc ciekły hel (Lapping Fluid Helium)
07. Ordre Omnitonique
08. Lewy jass (Left Side Jass)
09. Ostatnie z ludzkich smoków (The Last of the Human Dragons)
10. Łzy smoka (The Dragon Tears)

Mikołaj Trzaska - alto, baritone & soprano saxophones, flute, voice;
Ryszard Tymon Tymański - double bass, balalaika, horn, voice;
Jacek Olter - drums, percussion, pots, water sound, voice;
Leszek Możdżer - grand piano, accordion, clapping, voice;
Maciej Sikała - soprano & tenor saxophones, saxophone neck, voice.


Wznowienie jednej z najlepszych płyt MIŁOŚCI - "Tańca Smoka". Reedycja jest opatrzona w nowy, poprawiony layout z nieznanym zdjęciem zespołu oraz notę wydawniczą w języku angielskim; nagranie zostało poddane masteringowi, którego podjął się maestro Piotr Pawlak.

Tymon: Rzecz bez porównania bardziej oryginalna. Może zbyt ugładzona, ale stylistycznie wykraczająca. Sąsiadują tu ze sobą elementy jazzu, romantyczno - punktualne zawirowania poważkowe, średniowieczne wizjonerstwo, zlewowe melorecytacje, dziwaczne oddechy, garnuszki i sporo wpływów muzyki etno - bałkanskiej, afrykanskiej i azjatyckiej....

"Łzy smoka" to typowa miłościówa. Transowy numer, który świetnie gra się na koncertach i to zawsze inaczej. Bardzo wdzięczna kompozycja do improwizacji. Temat zagrany w 12 tonacjach, sporo skoków, a przy tym całość jest bardzo ciężka. Cóż smocza. Podejrzewam w tym utworze inspirację wczesną Republiką. Oj, bardzo lubię ten utwór. Przynosi mi wytchnienie, ukojenie. To nietypowy blues dwunastotonacyjny z elementami improwizowanego etno. --- wsm.serpent.pl

download (mp3 @320 kbs):

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Milosc Thu, 23 Feb 2017 16:33:44 +0000
Miłość & Lester Bowie ‎– Talkin' About Life and Death (1999) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/jazz/5623-milosc-milosc-1993/24655-mio-a-lester-bowie--talkin-about-life-and-death-1999.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/jazz/5623-milosc-milosc-1993/24655-mio-a-lester-bowie--talkin-about-life-and-death-1999.html Miłość & Lester Bowie ‎– Talkin' About Life and Death (1999)

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01. Venus in Furs - 05:25
02. A Tribute To Drukpa Kunley - 05:45
03. Maple Leaves - 00:42
04. Duet - 02:20
05. What if - 07:22
06. Fukan Zazen-gi - 08:11
07. Facing the Wall - 06:11
08. Let's Get Serious - 07:08
09. The Bardo of Life - 06:42
10. Impressions - 07:20

Lester Bowie - trumpet
Ryszard Tymon Tymański - double bass, vocals
Jacek Olter - drums
Leszek Możdżer - grand piano
Maciej Sikała - tenor & soprano saxophones


Miłość (English: "Love") was a Polish free jazz band. The band was founded in 1988 by Ryszard Tymon Tymański, double bassist and guitarist, former leader of new wave group Sni Sredstvom Za Uklanianie. Miłość played free jazz with avantgarde influences and gave birth to, among others, the Tricity and Bydgoszcz jazz bands, and to a style called yass. Miłość recorded two albums with the legendary jazzman Lester Bowie: "Not Two" (1995) and "Talkin' About Life and Death" (1999). The band split up after Olter's death in 2002. ---revolvy.com


Talkin' About Life And Death Miłości i Lestera Bowie to historyczny materiał, który zarejestrowany został w lipcu 1997 roku, podczas ostatniej wizyty legendarnego jazzmana w Polsce. To również szósta i ostatnia płyta płyta Miłości w składzie z Lesławem Możdzerem na fortepianie i Maćkiem Sikałą na saksofonie tenorowym. Sekstet przez wzgląd na akustyczne ograniczenia brzmień perkusji, kontrabasu, fortepianu i sekcji dętej stylistycznie nie wychodzi poza odważne tezy postawione na swej drugiej i trzeciej płycie (Taniec Smoka i Not Two), aczkolwiek kolektywny performance doprowadzony tu został do muzycznej doskonałości. W stanowiącej eklektyczny melanż oryginalnej kolekcji utworów królują piosenkowa Venus in furs Lou Reeda, klasyczna pieśń Maple Leaves Charlesa Ivesa, coltrane'owskie Impressions w wersji reggae oraz bluesowo- dodekafoniczny Let's get serious, free-jazzowy Duet i eksperymentalny Bardo of Life. Nad refleksyjnie zatytułowaną muzyką z ostatniego CD Miłości unosi się stoicki duch przemijania i nostalgii. Płyta wydana została w grudniu 1999 roku, jej opublikowanie zbiegło się ze śmiercią Lestera Bowiego, jednego z najbardziej oryginalnych i twórczych trębaczy jazzu XX wieku. ---Biodro Records, merlin.pl

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Milosc Fri, 11 Jan 2019 15:51:35 +0000