Polish Music The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/polish/5690-furia.feed 2024-05-31T15:22:12Z Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management Furia - I spokoj (2004) 2017-04-04T14:18:06Z 2017-04-04T14:18:06Z http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/polish/5690-furia/21397-furia-i-spokoj-2004.html bluelover administration@theblues-thatjazz.com <p><strong>Furia - I spokój (2004)</strong></p> <p><img src="http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/ObrMuz/PolishMusic/Furia/ispokoj.jpg" border="0" alt="Image could not be displayed. Check browser for compatibility." /></p> <pre><em> 01. Intro - 02:59 02. I spokój - 07:59 03. Panowie ideału - 06:29 04. Gniewni odurzeni - 06:39 05. Uważaj! - 03:16 06. (Nie) Patrz tam! - 07:37 07. Outro - 02:59 </em> Nihil - vocal, guitar, bass guitar, programming </pre> <p> </p> <p>''I spokój'' i ''I krzyk'' to tytuły pierwszych albumów, a mówiąc ściślej demówek, które wydali muzycy Furii. Mogą one również posłużyć jako zgrabny opis ich twórczości. Gardłowy krzyk, często przemieniający się w bulgoczące jęki, których znaczenie trudno odszyfrować stapia się ze zgiełkiem wysokich dźwięków perkusji i szumem gitar. Później przychodzi czas na rozluźnienie, słyszymy bliżej niezidentyfikowane nagrania, przywodzące na myśl bardzo ciemny las, w którym siąpi deszcz, a gałęzie poruszane są przez jakieś szemrane istoty, a wszystkiemu towarzyszą delikatne i melancholijne partie gitary. Innym razem nagrania są abstrakcyjniejsze, do naszych uszu dobiegają dudnienie, jakieś podziemne lamenty i powolne gitarowe drony.</p> <p>Po gniewie, epizodach nieopanowanej furii, przychodzi moment wyciszenia – cichego obserwowania rozkładu i pogodzenia się z rzeczywistością na tyle, a może nawet . ''Ogarnia to wszystkie organy: katastrofa jelitowa, doznanie gastrycznego zamętu, niemożność strawienia tego świata'', to akurat nie Furia, tylko Cioran, ale wielbiciele tego filozofa powinni czuć się w świecie kreowanym przez śląskich melancholijnych mizantropów całkiem swobodnie – z rumuńskim myślicielem łączy ich także poczucie humoru. ''Właśnie nabierałem orzeszki z paczki i jeden wyjechał leżąc na pierwszym stawie od paznokcia. Niesamowite.'' odpowiedział Nihil na pytanie o autoironiczność Furii. --- culture.pl</p> <p> </p> <p>"I Spokój". Man, first time I listened to this demo was in 2004; right after the band released it and sent it to me, so I would review it for my Panzerfaust zine. It seems like a damn long time ago now to me, even though just seven years have passed... Anyway, right from the beginning I loved Furia and their music and nowadays, when I know that musically Furia has progressed so much and so amazingly, it's a real pleasure to comeback to this demo, see how it all started. Especially that I haven't really listened to it since few years now. I must say it didn't get old at all.</p> <p>I remember that one of the reasons why I really liked "I Spokój" at the time it was released was that there were almost no great and real quality black metal bands in Poland then. Of course there were few that I liked, Massemord for instance (and Thunderbolt, who slayed with their "Inhuman Ritual Massmurder" the same year), but basically most of the bands were either dead or didn't release anything truly killer; especially if you were looking for more Nordic, cold and atmospheric kind of black metal. You know... Kampfar, Taake, German bands like Dornenreich... Furia then appeared out of nowhere and delivered material, that was something I really hoped to hear from Polish band - it was quality black metal, focused on the atmosphere and good songwriting, not on saying some "evil" bullshit.</p> <p>When the title track hits my ears I'm excited totally. It begins with the best riff from the demo, one which sticks in my mind and creates real cold mood. This song - as well as the rest of the material - does sound like Taake, from their first album, but it's not something I would complain about. If it's done right, then there's no problem. The vocals are really savage, distorted as hell, what only underlines the misanthropic feeling of the music. Tempo wise, Furia tried to put everything, so that the music won't be monotonous; the mentioned title song is the best example, as it has some furious parts, some slower stuff, acoustics at the end and even kind of folky riffing, which instantly brings Kampfar to my mind. Anyway, as I already said, this song is great! The second track, "Panowie Idealu", is quite similar, but maybe even faster... Well, to be honest most of this material is played in really fast and furious (he) tempos, with hints of melody like "Gniewni Odurzeni". Between all that there's "(Nie) Patrz Tam!", which is bit different, and by that I mean slower and with kind of sick atmosphere.</p> <p>All in all, Furia debuted with really cool demo. I do realize it's not the most groundbreaking or original material ever released, but the truth is I hardly ever look for such in the any metal genre, as long as the music is great it just doesn't matter. Furia's "I Spokój" is more than just solid and as such, these 40 minutes will be remembered - as good beginning of great band. ---dismember_marcin, metal-archives.com</p> <p>download (mp3 @320 kbs):</p> <p><a href="https://yadi.sk/d/2Zc-L_F03GcKu5" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">yandex </a> <a href="https://www.4shared.com/zip/v06_oAwHca/Fr-IS04.html" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">4shared </a> <a href="https://mega.nz/#!L9UylBDC!Gu4Bq81UjD9_HlzDilK-_tqBziK5i_clDwh6pN-MDtA" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mega </a> <a href="http://www.mediafire.com/file/kiqd9kng7g76bv6/Fr-IS04.zip" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mediafire</a> <a href="https://ulozto.net/!m6yGrgLBUPOa/fr-is04-zip" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">uloz.to </a> <a href="https://cloud.mail.ru/public/WHkx/46QCKnL3r" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">cloudmailru </a> <a href="http://uptobox.com/fou8ukyjuh7h" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">uptobox </a> <a href="http://ge.tt/1cXBuWj2" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">ge.tt</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/javascript:history.back();">back</a></p> <p><strong>Furia - I spokój (2004)</strong></p> <p><img src="http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/ObrMuz/PolishMusic/Furia/ispokoj.jpg" border="0" alt="Image could not be displayed. Check browser for compatibility." /></p> <pre><em> 01. Intro - 02:59 02. I spokój - 07:59 03. Panowie ideału - 06:29 04. Gniewni odurzeni - 06:39 05. Uważaj! - 03:16 06. (Nie) Patrz tam! - 07:37 07. Outro - 02:59 </em> Nihil - vocal, guitar, bass guitar, programming </pre> <p> </p> <p>''I spokój'' i ''I krzyk'' to tytuły pierwszych albumów, a mówiąc ściślej demówek, które wydali muzycy Furii. Mogą one również posłużyć jako zgrabny opis ich twórczości. Gardłowy krzyk, często przemieniający się w bulgoczące jęki, których znaczenie trudno odszyfrować stapia się ze zgiełkiem wysokich dźwięków perkusji i szumem gitar. Później przychodzi czas na rozluźnienie, słyszymy bliżej niezidentyfikowane nagrania, przywodzące na myśl bardzo ciemny las, w którym siąpi deszcz, a gałęzie poruszane są przez jakieś szemrane istoty, a wszystkiemu towarzyszą delikatne i melancholijne partie gitary. Innym razem nagrania są abstrakcyjniejsze, do naszych uszu dobiegają dudnienie, jakieś podziemne lamenty i powolne gitarowe drony.</p> <p>Po gniewie, epizodach nieopanowanej furii, przychodzi moment wyciszenia – cichego obserwowania rozkładu i pogodzenia się z rzeczywistością na tyle, a może nawet . ''Ogarnia to wszystkie organy: katastrofa jelitowa, doznanie gastrycznego zamętu, niemożność strawienia tego świata'', to akurat nie Furia, tylko Cioran, ale wielbiciele tego filozofa powinni czuć się w świecie kreowanym przez śląskich melancholijnych mizantropów całkiem swobodnie – z rumuńskim myślicielem łączy ich także poczucie humoru. ''Właśnie nabierałem orzeszki z paczki i jeden wyjechał leżąc na pierwszym stawie od paznokcia. Niesamowite.'' odpowiedział Nihil na pytanie o autoironiczność Furii. --- culture.pl</p> <p> </p> <p>"I Spokój". Man, first time I listened to this demo was in 2004; right after the band released it and sent it to me, so I would review it for my Panzerfaust zine. It seems like a damn long time ago now to me, even though just seven years have passed... Anyway, right from the beginning I loved Furia and their music and nowadays, when I know that musically Furia has progressed so much and so amazingly, it's a real pleasure to comeback to this demo, see how it all started. Especially that I haven't really listened to it since few years now. I must say it didn't get old at all.</p> <p>I remember that one of the reasons why I really liked "I Spokój" at the time it was released was that there were almost no great and real quality black metal bands in Poland then. Of course there were few that I liked, Massemord for instance (and Thunderbolt, who slayed with their "Inhuman Ritual Massmurder" the same year), but basically most of the bands were either dead or didn't release anything truly killer; especially if you were looking for more Nordic, cold and atmospheric kind of black metal. You know... Kampfar, Taake, German bands like Dornenreich... Furia then appeared out of nowhere and delivered material, that was something I really hoped to hear from Polish band - it was quality black metal, focused on the atmosphere and good songwriting, not on saying some "evil" bullshit.</p> <p>When the title track hits my ears I'm excited totally. It begins with the best riff from the demo, one which sticks in my mind and creates real cold mood. This song - as well as the rest of the material - does sound like Taake, from their first album, but it's not something I would complain about. If it's done right, then there's no problem. The vocals are really savage, distorted as hell, what only underlines the misanthropic feeling of the music. Tempo wise, Furia tried to put everything, so that the music won't be monotonous; the mentioned title song is the best example, as it has some furious parts, some slower stuff, acoustics at the end and even kind of folky riffing, which instantly brings Kampfar to my mind. Anyway, as I already said, this song is great! The second track, "Panowie Idealu", is quite similar, but maybe even faster... Well, to be honest most of this material is played in really fast and furious (he) tempos, with hints of melody like "Gniewni Odurzeni". Between all that there's "(Nie) Patrz Tam!", which is bit different, and by that I mean slower and with kind of sick atmosphere.</p> <p>All in all, Furia debuted with really cool demo. I do realize it's not the most groundbreaking or original material ever released, but the truth is I hardly ever look for such in the any metal genre, as long as the music is great it just doesn't matter. Furia's "I Spokój" is more than just solid and as such, these 40 minutes will be remembered - as good beginning of great band. ---dismember_marcin, metal-archives.com</p> <p>download (mp3 @320 kbs):</p> <p><a href="https://yadi.sk/d/2Zc-L_F03GcKu5" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">yandex </a> <a href="https://www.4shared.com/zip/v06_oAwHca/Fr-IS04.html" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">4shared </a> <a href="https://mega.nz/#!L9UylBDC!Gu4Bq81UjD9_HlzDilK-_tqBziK5i_clDwh6pN-MDtA" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mega </a> <a href="http://www.mediafire.com/file/kiqd9kng7g76bv6/Fr-IS04.zip" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mediafire</a> <a href="https://ulozto.net/!m6yGrgLBUPOa/fr-is04-zip" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">uloz.to </a> <a href="https://cloud.mail.ru/public/WHkx/46QCKnL3r" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">cloudmailru </a> <a href="http://uptobox.com/fou8ukyjuh7h" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">uptobox </a> <a href="http://ge.tt/1cXBuWj2" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">ge.tt</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/javascript:history.back();">back</a></p> Furia – Marzannie, królowej Polski (2012) 2017-04-01T08:29:32Z 2017-04-01T08:29:32Z http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/en/polish/5690-furia/21381-furia--marzannie-krolowej-polski-2012.html bluelover administration@theblues-thatjazz.com <p><strong>Furia – Marzannie, królowej Polski (2012)</strong></p> <p><img src="http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/ObrMuz/PolishMusic/Furia/marzannie.jpg" border="0" alt="Image could not be displayed. Check browser for compatibility." /></p> <pre><em> 01. Wyjcie psy - 06:05 02. Untitled - 06:49 03. Wodzenie - 06:07 04. Skądś do nikąd - 05:17 05. Kosi ta smierć - 04:59 06. Pódź w dół - 08:46 07. Są to koła - 04:58 </em> Nihil - vocal, guitar; Sars - bass guitar; Namtar - drums; Voldtekt – guitar. </pre> <p> </p> <p>''Nihil'' Kuźniak (gitarzysta i wokalista). W Furii występują także Kamil "Sars" Staszałek (basista), Grzegorz "Namtar" Kantor (perkusista) i Artur ''Art'' Rumiński (gitarzysta, od 2013 roku). Mają na swoim koncie 9 wydawnictw, które wychodziły przede wszystkim nakładem Pagan Records (niektóre także na winylach). Oprócz koncertów w dusznych klubach skierowanych bezpośrednio do wielbicieli depresyjnego metalu, zdarza im się występować na festiwalach, które odbywają się na świeżym powietrzu (katowicki OFF, Primavera Sound w słonecznej Barcelonie).</p> <p>''Furia się nie przekształca w projekt dla niemetalowców, to niemetalowcy przekształcają się w ludzi potrafiących z tym obcować – mówi Nihil – Ja, ani nikt inny z zespołu nie jesteśmy w gruncie rzeczy odpowiedzialni za kształt naszej twórczości. Po prostu idziemy tam gdzie idzie nasza przygłupia gęś o imieniu cel. Jest nawalona, więc idziemy wężykiem.''</p> <p>W ‘Marzannie, Królowej Polski’ ważną rolę odgrywają teksty, chociaż – co typowe dla black metalowej poetyki – trudno je zrozumieć (na szczęście możemy zapoznać się z nimi dzięki książeczkom dodawanym do płyt). Czasami zamykają się w dziwacznej wyliczance. Innym razem oscylują gdzieś pomiędzy poezją metafizyczną a grafomanią ze śląskimi akcentami. ''Im bardziej jesteśmy nierozumiani tym lepiej'' – mówi Nihil – ''Poza tym »grafoman« ładniej brzmi niż »artysta«''. Szukanie w twórczości Furii momentów, które przestają być ironią, grą z konwencjami wydaję się być pozbawione większego sensu. W końcu black metal z założenia jest muzyką ekstremalną, a katowiccy muzycy do ekstremum wyspecjalizowali się w farsie. Być może dlatego ich działalność wzbudza tak żywe zainteresowanie (od bezgranicznego zachwytu po wyzwiska) i pozwala prezentować ich dźwięki publiczności, która z muzyką mroczną i nieprzyjemną nie miała niczego wspólnego. --- culture.pl/</p> <p> </p> <p>Furia... Well, I suppose that if you’ve been looking through my reviews – and maybe you’ll also familiar with my old fanzine – then you probably know how much I like this band. It truly is my favourite black metal band from Poland, one whose recordings I admire ever since I got the first demo “I Spokój” back in 2004 and whose “Martwa Polska Jesień” is probably my favourite Polish black metal album of all time… well, at least along with Behemoth’s “Grom”. But every new release from Furia is a great event and a guarantee of great experiences and when I first heard the annunciations for the “Marzannie, Królowej Polski”, third full length CD, I had shivers. Man, the expectations were high obviously and I couldn’t wait to get this album in my hands. Which I finally did of corpse, but as you can see I write this review quite late, five months after the premiere of this album. it’s not that ”Marzannie, Królowej Polski” has laid on the shelf for so long, I gave it many listens already, but somehow I just didn’t have an opportunity to review it, until now, when again I started to listen to this album.</p> <p>First thing, which captured my attention is the production of “Marzannie, Królowej Polski”. Man, Furia has always been sounding great, but this definitely is their best sounding effort yet; one, which seems to have improved on everything. It is their most warm, organic sound; even if it is clean and transparent, it still has this cold and raw feeling and to some point it almost has a feeling of a band playing in the rehearsal room, as there’s some sort of reverb hearable. The drums are really perfectly recorded, I love snare drum’s sound especially, but also the guitar tone is excellent. Really, Nihil must have worked his ass off this time more than ever before, to capture the essence of his band in so excellent way.</p> <p>But the production is not everything. The thing, which impressed me most, is the incredible songwriting on “Marzannie, Królowej Polski”. Man, I have a feeling like this is the most perfect and amazingly written of all Furia’s albums. OK, I may still consider “Martwa Polska Jesień” as a paragon example for their style, then “Grudzień Za Grudniem” was great, but maybe missed a little bit of something truly exceptional. But now “Marzannie, Królowej Polski” combines the elements of both albums and glue them together into one, wonderful piece. I think that this album is equally traditional as it is progressive. There will be many riffs, which will let you think of the good old Burzum for instance, but at the same time there are many parts, when the playing is different and would rather remind me post metal bands than classic Norwegian style. I mean, Furia – as always really – puts a lot of concentration on long, instrumental passages in the songs – to the point when the parts with vocals seem to be only an addition – and while the music remains deeply guitar based, the kind of riffs and the way they’re played and how are they arranged and structured into the songs remind me post metal quite often. I know that the tag of post black metal Isis or Pelican is not something, what probably Furia would be happy with, but really there are many parts, which will remind you this kind of playing. But let’s not forget about the likes of Burzum or Taake also hehe! The music builds slowly around one or more motives and creates a deep, involving and inspiring atmosphere, which – at least I can say so about myself – draws my attention like the light draws the attention of the moths in the night. I just cannot resist it, I cannot simply start doing something else when listening to “Marzannie, Królowej Polski” – I just have to swallow every sound and every song from this album and let myself get dragged into it. This music has almost hypnotising influence, if you know what I mean. And the band’s creativity seems to be at its peak, as I cannot imagine that Furia will be able to record something better than either “Marzannie, Królowej Polski” or “Martwa Polska Jesień” (I hope I’m wrong though!). But what else can I say when listening to such amazing songs as the untitled one, for instance, which makes an excellent impression with the way it builds the aura, with its riffing and arrangements?</p> <p>But to make everything clear, “Marzannie, Królowej Polski” is not only about melancholic, post black metallish playing, there are also plenty of fast and relentless episodes, which will please the fans of the black metal genre fully – as an example I’ll put “Skądś do nikąd”, absolutely killer song, which at times takes us back into Ulver’s “Bergatt”, as for its atmosphere and everything else. All together I think that Furia perfectly fits into the category of bands like Dornenreich, Agalloch, Helrunar and such, even if not necessarily they play exactly the same. They definitely prove to be one of the most original black metal bands on the present scene and I can honestly say that you can recognise them right from the first song; if not for the riffs, then the awesome vocals by Nihil will definitely assure you what band you’re listening to. This guy’s voice is truly exceptional and one of a kind. He sounds like no one else, but that’s not just that… it’s also the way he sings and the way he arranges his parts make his voice truly unique. Plus of course the fact that all lyrics are in Polish! I cannot really imagine Furia having English written lyrics; it would get rid of a lot of character and specific aura in these vocals and the whole music. I cannot imagine songs like “Wodzenie” or “Kosi ta śmierć” with different type of vocals. I can only have some objections towards some lyrics of Nihil (or quasi poetry, as some call them), like the one for “Skądś do nikąd” (yeah, I can hear all the non Polish fans twisting their tongues in unsuccessful try to pronounce this title hehe!), which has nothing what would fit the usual black metal topics and is also terribly pointless… Anyway, I can live with that, they surely fit the music of Furia and make the band even more original in their approach, what’s good of corpse.</p> <p>Standout tracks: „Wyjcie psy”, “Untitled”, “Kosi ta śmierć”, “Są to koła”. --- dismember_marcin, etal-archives.com</p> <p>download (mp3 @320 kbs):</p> <p><a href="https://yadi.sk/d/QyvHda943GXkMA" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">yandex </a> <a href="https://www.4shared.com/zip/EyLaTKzjca/Fr-MKP12.html" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">4shared </a> <a href="https://mega.nz/#!yh9EhAbY!2KmS49GYQGZ8V8dCWRq4KjWFkzaPQs2-xRQo0bq7sqk" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mega </a> <a href="http://www.mediafire.com/file/l67hq4aqujocjic/Fr-MKP12.zip" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mediafire</a> <a href="https://ulozto.net/!xTtyumHMLOeF/fr-mkp12-zip" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">uloz.to </a> <a href="https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5to8/oWMMLGPk8" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">cloudmailru </a> <a href="http://uptobox.com/zr3asrovrz3a" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">uptobox </a> <a href="http://ge.tt/5U5dnUj2" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">ge.tt</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/javascript:history.back();">back</a></p> <p><strong>Furia – Marzannie, królowej Polski (2012)</strong></p> <p><img src="http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/ObrMuz/PolishMusic/Furia/marzannie.jpg" border="0" alt="Image could not be displayed. Check browser for compatibility." /></p> <pre><em> 01. Wyjcie psy - 06:05 02. Untitled - 06:49 03. Wodzenie - 06:07 04. Skądś do nikąd - 05:17 05. Kosi ta smierć - 04:59 06. Pódź w dół - 08:46 07. Są to koła - 04:58 </em> Nihil - vocal, guitar; Sars - bass guitar; Namtar - drums; Voldtekt – guitar. </pre> <p> </p> <p>''Nihil'' Kuźniak (gitarzysta i wokalista). W Furii występują także Kamil "Sars" Staszałek (basista), Grzegorz "Namtar" Kantor (perkusista) i Artur ''Art'' Rumiński (gitarzysta, od 2013 roku). Mają na swoim koncie 9 wydawnictw, które wychodziły przede wszystkim nakładem Pagan Records (niektóre także na winylach). Oprócz koncertów w dusznych klubach skierowanych bezpośrednio do wielbicieli depresyjnego metalu, zdarza im się występować na festiwalach, które odbywają się na świeżym powietrzu (katowicki OFF, Primavera Sound w słonecznej Barcelonie).</p> <p>''Furia się nie przekształca w projekt dla niemetalowców, to niemetalowcy przekształcają się w ludzi potrafiących z tym obcować – mówi Nihil – Ja, ani nikt inny z zespołu nie jesteśmy w gruncie rzeczy odpowiedzialni za kształt naszej twórczości. Po prostu idziemy tam gdzie idzie nasza przygłupia gęś o imieniu cel. Jest nawalona, więc idziemy wężykiem.''</p> <p>W ‘Marzannie, Królowej Polski’ ważną rolę odgrywają teksty, chociaż – co typowe dla black metalowej poetyki – trudno je zrozumieć (na szczęście możemy zapoznać się z nimi dzięki książeczkom dodawanym do płyt). Czasami zamykają się w dziwacznej wyliczance. Innym razem oscylują gdzieś pomiędzy poezją metafizyczną a grafomanią ze śląskimi akcentami. ''Im bardziej jesteśmy nierozumiani tym lepiej'' – mówi Nihil – ''Poza tym »grafoman« ładniej brzmi niż »artysta«''. Szukanie w twórczości Furii momentów, które przestają być ironią, grą z konwencjami wydaję się być pozbawione większego sensu. W końcu black metal z założenia jest muzyką ekstremalną, a katowiccy muzycy do ekstremum wyspecjalizowali się w farsie. Być może dlatego ich działalność wzbudza tak żywe zainteresowanie (od bezgranicznego zachwytu po wyzwiska) i pozwala prezentować ich dźwięki publiczności, która z muzyką mroczną i nieprzyjemną nie miała niczego wspólnego. --- culture.pl/</p> <p> </p> <p>Furia... Well, I suppose that if you’ve been looking through my reviews – and maybe you’ll also familiar with my old fanzine – then you probably know how much I like this band. It truly is my favourite black metal band from Poland, one whose recordings I admire ever since I got the first demo “I Spokój” back in 2004 and whose “Martwa Polska Jesień” is probably my favourite Polish black metal album of all time… well, at least along with Behemoth’s “Grom”. But every new release from Furia is a great event and a guarantee of great experiences and when I first heard the annunciations for the “Marzannie, Królowej Polski”, third full length CD, I had shivers. Man, the expectations were high obviously and I couldn’t wait to get this album in my hands. Which I finally did of corpse, but as you can see I write this review quite late, five months after the premiere of this album. it’s not that ”Marzannie, Królowej Polski” has laid on the shelf for so long, I gave it many listens already, but somehow I just didn’t have an opportunity to review it, until now, when again I started to listen to this album.</p> <p>First thing, which captured my attention is the production of “Marzannie, Królowej Polski”. Man, Furia has always been sounding great, but this definitely is their best sounding effort yet; one, which seems to have improved on everything. It is their most warm, organic sound; even if it is clean and transparent, it still has this cold and raw feeling and to some point it almost has a feeling of a band playing in the rehearsal room, as there’s some sort of reverb hearable. The drums are really perfectly recorded, I love snare drum’s sound especially, but also the guitar tone is excellent. Really, Nihil must have worked his ass off this time more than ever before, to capture the essence of his band in so excellent way.</p> <p>But the production is not everything. The thing, which impressed me most, is the incredible songwriting on “Marzannie, Królowej Polski”. Man, I have a feeling like this is the most perfect and amazingly written of all Furia’s albums. OK, I may still consider “Martwa Polska Jesień” as a paragon example for their style, then “Grudzień Za Grudniem” was great, but maybe missed a little bit of something truly exceptional. But now “Marzannie, Królowej Polski” combines the elements of both albums and glue them together into one, wonderful piece. I think that this album is equally traditional as it is progressive. There will be many riffs, which will let you think of the good old Burzum for instance, but at the same time there are many parts, when the playing is different and would rather remind me post metal bands than classic Norwegian style. I mean, Furia – as always really – puts a lot of concentration on long, instrumental passages in the songs – to the point when the parts with vocals seem to be only an addition – and while the music remains deeply guitar based, the kind of riffs and the way they’re played and how are they arranged and structured into the songs remind me post metal quite often. I know that the tag of post black metal Isis or Pelican is not something, what probably Furia would be happy with, but really there are many parts, which will remind you this kind of playing. But let’s not forget about the likes of Burzum or Taake also hehe! The music builds slowly around one or more motives and creates a deep, involving and inspiring atmosphere, which – at least I can say so about myself – draws my attention like the light draws the attention of the moths in the night. I just cannot resist it, I cannot simply start doing something else when listening to “Marzannie, Królowej Polski” – I just have to swallow every sound and every song from this album and let myself get dragged into it. This music has almost hypnotising influence, if you know what I mean. And the band’s creativity seems to be at its peak, as I cannot imagine that Furia will be able to record something better than either “Marzannie, Królowej Polski” or “Martwa Polska Jesień” (I hope I’m wrong though!). But what else can I say when listening to such amazing songs as the untitled one, for instance, which makes an excellent impression with the way it builds the aura, with its riffing and arrangements?</p> <p>But to make everything clear, “Marzannie, Królowej Polski” is not only about melancholic, post black metallish playing, there are also plenty of fast and relentless episodes, which will please the fans of the black metal genre fully – as an example I’ll put “Skądś do nikąd”, absolutely killer song, which at times takes us back into Ulver’s “Bergatt”, as for its atmosphere and everything else. All together I think that Furia perfectly fits into the category of bands like Dornenreich, Agalloch, Helrunar and such, even if not necessarily they play exactly the same. They definitely prove to be one of the most original black metal bands on the present scene and I can honestly say that you can recognise them right from the first song; if not for the riffs, then the awesome vocals by Nihil will definitely assure you what band you’re listening to. This guy’s voice is truly exceptional and one of a kind. He sounds like no one else, but that’s not just that… it’s also the way he sings and the way he arranges his parts make his voice truly unique. Plus of course the fact that all lyrics are in Polish! I cannot really imagine Furia having English written lyrics; it would get rid of a lot of character and specific aura in these vocals and the whole music. I cannot imagine songs like “Wodzenie” or “Kosi ta śmierć” with different type of vocals. I can only have some objections towards some lyrics of Nihil (or quasi poetry, as some call them), like the one for “Skądś do nikąd” (yeah, I can hear all the non Polish fans twisting their tongues in unsuccessful try to pronounce this title hehe!), which has nothing what would fit the usual black metal topics and is also terribly pointless… Anyway, I can live with that, they surely fit the music of Furia and make the band even more original in their approach, what’s good of corpse.</p> <p>Standout tracks: „Wyjcie psy”, “Untitled”, “Kosi ta śmierć”, “Są to koła”. --- dismember_marcin, etal-archives.com</p> <p>download (mp3 @320 kbs):</p> <p><a href="https://yadi.sk/d/QyvHda943GXkMA" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">yandex </a> <a href="https://www.4shared.com/zip/EyLaTKzjca/Fr-MKP12.html" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">4shared </a> <a href="https://mega.nz/#!yh9EhAbY!2KmS49GYQGZ8V8dCWRq4KjWFkzaPQs2-xRQo0bq7sqk" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mega </a> <a href="http://www.mediafire.com/file/l67hq4aqujocjic/Fr-MKP12.zip" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mediafire</a> <a href="https://ulozto.net/!xTtyumHMLOeF/fr-mkp12-zip" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">uloz.to </a> <a href="https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5to8/oWMMLGPk8" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">cloudmailru </a> <a href="http://uptobox.com/zr3asrovrz3a" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">uptobox </a> <a href="http://ge.tt/5U5dnUj2" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">ge.tt</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/javascript:history.back();">back</a></p>