Rock, Metal The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. Sat, 01 Jun 2024 05:50:29 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Queensryche - A Measure of Success (1984) Queensryche - A Measure of Success (1984)

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01 - Nightrider
02 - Prophecy
03 - Deliverance
04 - NM 156
05 - Child Of Fire
06 - Before The Storm
07 - guitar solo
08 - Blinded
09 - The Lady Wore Black
10 - En Force
11 - Roads To Madness
12 - Warning
13 - Queen Of The Reich
14 - Take Hold Of The Flame

Geoff Tate – lead vocals, keyboard, saxophone
Chris DeGarmo – guitar, backing vocals
Michael Wilton – guitar, backing vocals
Eddie Jackson – bass, backing vocals
Scott Rockenfield – drums, percussion, keyboard

It is a radio broadcast recording from Dec 8 th 1984 at Harpos concert theater.


From the tour of Queensryche's first album, The Warning, this is a show at Harpos, Detroit and also includes songs like the fabulous Queen Of The Reich from their first EP . All in all around eighty minutes of music with great sonic quality if we remember it's a recording that was done 25 years ago.

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]]> (bluesever) Queensryche Fri, 15 Apr 2016 15:54:38 +0000
Queensryche - Frequency Unknown (2013) Queensryche - Frequency Unknown (2013)

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01 – Cold
02 – Dare
03 – Give It to You
04 – Slave
05 – In the Hands of God
06 – Running Backwards
07 – Life Without You
08 – Everything
09 – Fall
10 – The Weight of the World
11 – I Do not Believe in Love (Re-Recorded)
12 – Empire (Re-Recorded)
13 – Jet City Woman (Re-Recorded)
14 – Silent Lucidity (Re-Recorded)


    Geoff Tate – lead vocals
    Kelly Gray – guitars 
    Robert Sarzo – guitars 
    Rudy Sarzo – bass 
    Simon Wright – drums 
    Randy Gane – keyboards,bass, orchestration, answering machine message
    Craig Locicero – rhythm guitars (on tracks 1–10)
    Jason Slater – bass (on tracks 2–4, and 6–8), keyboards (on tracks 7–8)
    Martín Irigoyen – all guitars, bass, and drums (on tracks 11–14)
    Paul Bostaph – drums (on tracks 6–9)
    Evan Bautista – drums (on tracks 2–4, and 10)
    Kelly Gray – guitar solo (on track 1)
    Jason Slater – theremin solo (on track 2)
    Robert Sarzo – guitar solo (on track 3)
    Chris Cannella – guitar solo (on track 4)
    Ty Tabor – guitar solo (on tracks 5 and 8)
    K.K. Downing – guitar solo (on track 6)
    Brad Gillis – guitar solo (on track 7)
    Dave Meniketti – guitar solo (on track 9)
    Chris Poland – guitar solo (on track 10)
    Nina Noir,  Emily Tate,  Miranda Tate - background vocals 


Queensryche: a band that has been subject to massive amounts of controversy within the music world. Allegations of manipulation over the band's ability to write music, hiring outside writers, secretly selling the rights to "Operation: Mindcrime" to animation companies. In the end, original lead vocalist Geoff Tate was fired from the band, however for some reason he has decided that he still has the rights to the "Queensryche" name, and so formed another band named Queensryche and has just released a new album, titled "Frequency Unknown". Musically, the new album is comprised of heavy, alternative metal guitar riffs backed by the occasional piano playing and heavy hitting choruses, such as what's demonstrated in the lead single "Cold". It's very different as compared to Queensryche's earlier efforts, almost as though this is a conscious effort. The aforementioned piano playing sticks out like a sore thumb in the chorus, as it's surrounded by crunching power chords and vocal harmonies. This dramatic change in sound is an upgrade from the mostly bland, pop-rock style showcased in such recent outings as "Dedicated To Chaos" and "American Soldier", but for those fans looking for a strong return to form, you should probably look elsewhere.

Geoff Tate is still in all rights a good vocalist, which helps provide the new album with some classic feel. All those years of screaming out the intro to "Queen Of The Ryche" has taken an apparent toll on his range, so anything over a medium range is apparently difficult to hit. For the most part this is an entirely new band, which once again brings up the question if this should even be released as a "Queensryche" album.

All in all, "Frequency Unknown" is a halfway decent album from Geoff Tate's Queensryche. It shows the band embracing a completely different musical style, and although it is admittedly better than the past decade of Queensryche albums, still falls a short. For fans of alternative metal, as well as the army of Geoff Tate diehard followers, this is a must-listen. And original Queensryche fans should go out and give this album a chance as well, sure as hell couldn't hurt. It's an album that still has some good moments, but just wasn't the return-to-form we were all hoping for. --- Lou Vickers,

download (mp3 @320 kbs):

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]]> (bluesever) Queensryche Sun, 28 Apr 2013 16:05:28 +0000
Queensryche - Promised Land (1994) Queensryche - Promised Land (1994)

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1. 9:28 AM (1:44)
2. I Am I (3:57)
3. Damaged (3:58)
4. Out Of Mind (4:36)
5. Bridge (3:30)
6. Promised Land (7:58)
7. Disconnected (4:45)
8. Lady Jane (4:15)
9. My Global Mind (4:22)
10. One More Time (4:19)
11. Someone Else? (4:44)

- Geoff Tate - vocals
- Michael Wilton - guitars
- Chris DeGarmo - guitar
- Eddie Jackson - bass
- Scott Rockenfield - drums


"Promised Land" was Queensryche's most criticized album to this time. That's quite obvious in my point of view. Maybe because it was their darkest and difficult album up to date. They produced the album over a couple of years and that's why it sounds over-produced. Not that this can pull down the quality of such innovative monser songs like "I Am I", the heavy "Damaged", the wonderful acoustic guitar-piece "Bridge", the catchy "One More Time", the epic title piece or the emontionally overwhelming piano-ballad "Someone Else" at all.

The most progressive (in the real sense of this word) appearing album in Queensryche's discography is "Promised Land" without a doubt. The best way to listen to this album is to hear it under headphones, without doing anything else but just listening. Several parts of the album remind me on their biggest influential fountain Pink Floyd or one song called "Disconnected" sounds a bit Games Without Frontiers-era Gabriel-alike. Quite original is the songwriting on this album, where the band shows all of it's talents (for the last time).

The most (and ciminally) underrated Queensryche album reminds as their most unusual but also one of their best products to this very day. After this gem the uneven, modern/alternative rock band-era began where I've (and many others) lost any inthusiasm in Queensryche. Sad but true! Let's enjoy their last great album with a tear in the eye. ---Marc Baum,

download (mp3 @320 kbs):

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]]> (bluesever) Queensryche Thu, 07 Aug 2014 21:49:43 +0000
Queensryche – Dedicated To Chaos (2011) Queensryche – Dedicated To Chaos (2011)

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01 – Get Started
02 – Hot Spot Junkie
03 – Got It Bad		      play
04 – Around The World
05 – Higher
06 – Retail Therapy
07 – At The Edge
08 – Broken
09 – Hard Times
10 – Drive
11 – I Believe			play
12 – LuvnU	
13 – Wot We Do
14 – I Take You
15 – The Lie
16 – Big Noize

Geoff Tate – lead vocals, keyboards, saxophone 
Michael Wilton – lead, rhythm & acoustic guitars, backing vocals
Eddie Jackson – bass, backing vocals 
Scott Rockenfield – drums, percussion, keyboards


A multitude of classic bands are content to rest on their collective laurels. Royalties roll in, merchandise moves along and nothing fresh is expected from them creatively, anyway. They tour haphazardly and sometimes shamelessly on the nostalgic fumes of faded glories. Hit albums are continuously reformatted and regurgitated. They’ve made it. Why work harder?

Queensrÿche stand proudly and defiantly against that career model. Thirty years after their formation, the progressive rock institution ignites anew with Dedicated to Chaos, a brave, adventurous, diverse and often experimental album that will challenge their fiercely intelligent audience and rock n’ roll critics alike in profound and exceedingly rewarding ways. There is nothing safe, saccharine or sanitized about Queensrÿche’s twelfth studio album. No rules. No boundaries. It’s the latest in a string of impressive feats from the legendary Seattle band.

“It’s kind of a worthless endeavor to be focused on what other people think,” points out thoughtful and articulate Queensrÿche vocalist Geoff Tate, long recognized as possessing one of the most powerful voices in rock. “There’s so many different ways to interpret music and art in general. It’s not meant to be static. It’s meant to be moving, changing and growing.”

Queensrÿche could easily sit back and count their achievements. They went triple-platinum with the mind numbingly awesome Empire. They cracked the Top Ten with the enduring power ballad “Silent Lucidity.” Operation: Mindcrime redefined the concept album. They’ve toured the world with Bon Jovi, Metallica, Def Leppard. They’ve sold over 20 million albums.

Dedicated to Chaos is the sound of Queensrÿche marching forward artistically, philosophically and sonically. Their commitment to their craft is unwavering. Their ability to challenge themselves and create new soundscapes is unparalleled in hard rock. In an era when bands will sacrifice audio quality to crank out records, Dedicated to Chaos is a true “headphones record.” ---



Jeden z najbardziej zasłużonych zespołów w heavy i progresywnym metalu, autorzy takich świetnych albumów jak „Promised Land”, „Operation Mindcrime”, „The Warning” czy „Empire” i wszechstronnie uzdolnieni muzycy najwyraźniej postanowili trzydziestolecie swojej kariery uczcić delikatesami. Właśnie takie sformułowanie przychodzi mi na myśl po wysłuchaniu „Dedicated To Chaos”, dwunastego studyjnego albumu Queensryche.

Geoff Tate, Michael Wilton, Eddie Jackson i Scott Rockenfield grają ze sobą nieprzerwanie od 1981 roku. Grupie zdarzyło się trochę eksperymentować i w efekcie brzmienie Queensryche w ostatnich latach uległo odczuwalnemu „zmiękczeniu”. Niemniej grupa zawsze nagrywała kilka kompozycji, które skutecznie broniły jej ostatnich albumów. Niestety kilka pomysłów zasygnalizowanych na „American Soldier” z 2009 roku uległo w nowej dekadzie poważnemu rozwinięciu. Mam na myśli przede wszystkim zbliżenie się do klimatu… U2 i tego typu zespołów, które określane są jako alternatywny rock, a w rzeczywistości stanowią platformę dla spokojniejszych (sic!) fanów muzyki rockowej.

Zespół z Bellevue nagrał w sumie szesnaście zupełnie NIEprogresywnych, mało skomplikowanych, chwytliwych i łatwych w odbiorze kompozycji. Czy o czymś zapomniałem? Owszem. Nowe Queensryche jest najzwyczajniej w świecie nudne. Kompozycje są mdłe, pozbawione jakiegoś instrumentalnego zrywu i dopasowane do komercyjnych standardów. Taki opis brzmi przerażająco. Tym bardziej, że muzycy Queensryche funkcjonowali w opinii fanów jako zespół, który nie boi się dołożyć do pieca. Niestety takich rozwiązań w „Dedicated To Chaos” zabrakło. Za to w najnowszym albumie Queensryche pojawiły się utwory na siłę próbujące wyciągnąć od słuchacza jakieś emocje. Zupełnie nie rozumiem co się stało ze sprawną współpracą na linii Wilton – Rockenfield, bowiem główna sekcja instrumentalna najnowszego Queensryche została zupełnie spłaszczona. Dobrych riffów w tym albumie znajdziemy jak na lekarstwo, a solówki Wiltona są słodsze niż polski cukier. W tym mętnym, pop n’ rockowym klimacie zupełnie na mocy stracił saksofon Tate’a, który przecież nadawał grupie charakteru. Niemniej prawdziwy upadek nastąpił w przesłaniu zespołu, bo o czym śpiewa Tate w 2011 roku? Ano, o tym, że wszyscy potrzebujemy miłości i… okularów przeciwsłonecznych!

Oczywiście generalizowanie nie sprzyja pełnej prawdzie, bo wśród premierowych utworów Queensryche można wyróżnić kilka numerów, które zdradziły fajne cechy. Zwracam szczególną uwagę na utwory utrzymane w relatywnie szybkim tempie z interesującym wykorzystaniem instrumentów w hard rockowym stylu i nałożonymi patentami, które je ozdobiły (klawisze, gitarowe solówki, krótkie aczkolwiek sprawne tła pod instrumentami). W tej materii dobrze sprawdziły się takie numery jak „At The Edge” i”Real Therapy”. W sumie dosyć ciekawie wyszło zespołowi wykorzystanie elektrycznego brzmienia, w takich utworach jak „Drive” (…niestety utwór zupełnie posypał się po minucie) czy „Hard Times”. Problem w tym, że od Queensryche powinno się oczekiwać znacznie więcej.

Nieskutecznie próbowałem odnaleźć się wśród dźwięków „Dedicated To Chaos”. Niestety fanom muzyki progresywnej będzie trudno odkryć walory w tym wydawnictwie. Mogę zaryzykować twierdzenie, że nowy album Queensryche trafi w gusta fanów muzyki balansującej pomiędzy popem i rockiem, ale to chyba marna cenzurka jeśli idzie o zasłużony zespół. Grupa zdecydowanym krokiem weszła w inną, o wiele bardziej chwytliwą konwencję. Mam niepokojące wrażenie, że fani tego typu dźwięków mają w czym wybierać, a muzycy Queensryche podcięli grubą gałąź na której siedzieli…---

download (mp3 @320 kbs):

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]]> (bluesever) Queensryche Sun, 17 Jul 2011 19:36:06 +0000